
2012년 5월12일 Facebook 이야기

donkyhote 2012. 5. 12. 23:59
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    오늘의 사진  
    Love will make us do funny things, right? From the looks of it, it can make you do downright dangerous things! This guy is willing to risk life and limb to show his love exactly how he feels. Did you know that people who are newly in love actually produce decreased levels of the hormone, serotonin which could be why it’s so easy to feel obsessed when you’re smitten. Some scientists believe that is only takes a fifth of a second to fall in love! Of course, it can take an entire lifetime to clean up the mess that is can cause. Love- it can make you downright stupid.  
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    일일 생일 친구 업데이트  
    1 : 오주희 - 05/13/1983  
    2 : 최동선 - 05/14  
    3 : 더 보기 

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