
2012년 5월20일 Facebook 이야기

donkyhote 2012. 5. 20. 23:59
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    오늘의 사진  
    Well it actually is a pig in a blanket, although maybe not the kind you had in mind. This little guy is definitely too cute to be served as an appetizer and is more likely a well loved pet. Many people find the intelligence and personality of a pig charming enough to make a permanent place in their home for one. They first became a trendy pet in the 1980's earning them the nickname "yuppie puppy". People started searching for a different kind of pet and discovered that pigs are easily trainable, social and, yes, clean! However, before you start thinking about making one of these guys your new companion remember that a pig is a pig, and pigs get big. Make sure you have enough room and love for your piggy even when they start to become a little porker. Would you own a pet pig?  
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